EXPLODE Splits string into pieces. EXPLODE(STRING,DELIMITERS) returns a cell array with the pieces of STRING found between any of the characters in DELIMITERS. [SPLIT,NUMPIECES] = EXPLODE(STRING,DELIMITERS) also returns the number of pieces found in STRING. Input arguments: STRING - the string to split (string) DELIMITERS - the delimiter characters (string) Output arguments: SPLIT - the split string (cell array), each cell is a piece NUMPIECES - the number of pieces found (integer) Example: STRING = 'ab_c,d,e fgh' DELIMITERS = '_,' [SPLIT,NUMPIECES] = EXPLODE(STRING,DELIMITERS) SPLIT = 'ab' 'c' 'd' 'e fgh' NUMPIECES = 4 See also IMPLODE, STRTOK Created: Sara Silva (sara@itqb.unl.pt) - 2002.04.30